SEBASTIAN BACH Thanks JOE BIDEN For 'Giving Us Back Rock And Roll'

May 28, 2021

Sebastian Bach has thanked U.S. president Joe Biden for "giving us back rock and roll".

The former SKID ROW singer made the comment in the wake of news reports that concerts and events are returning to much of the country as capacity limits are eased and face-covering restrictions are lifted.

Earlier today, Bach took to his Twitter to share an NBC News article about a Florida concert promoter who is charging $18 for tickets to people who are vaccinated and $1,000 to those who are not. Paul Williams of Leadfoot Promotions in Tampa Bay came up with the idea as an incentive for people to get vaccinated. Bach wrote in an accompanying message: "18 + life you got it. Thank you beyond words to @POTUS @JoeBiden for giving us back ROCK N' ROLL. Never has a #vote for #science meant more".

When one fan asked Bach if this is the longest he has been off the road in his adult life, Sebastian responded: "Believe it or not I have actually been on the road for the last couple of weeks now! Just can't tell you where or why".

As of today, the Biden administration said more than half of the country's adults are now fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

"Now 51% of America adults have been fully vaccinated, 75% of seniors are fully vaccinated, leaving nobody behind," Biden said on Friday afternoon. "Black, white, Hispanic — across the board, they've been getting their vaccinations."

The Biden administration's goal is to vaccinate 70 percent of adults against COVID-19 by July 4 with at least one dose. Ten states have already met his target.

"We still have five weeks left to hit our goal and I know we can do it," Biden said. "Just look at what we've done so far. There's not a single thing… nothing we cannot accomplish if we do it together."

Although the COVID-19 vaccine was produced quickly because of the urgency of the health crisis and the number of clinical trial volunteers, scientists say the vaccine was not rushed, and it relies on years of research.

The nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has estimated that about 70-85% of Americans would need to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity.

America's two main vaccines have shown 95% efficacy against the coronavirus.

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